«A monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors, what's the problem?»

Posted on January 29, 2018

\[\newcommand{cat}{\mathsf}% \newcommand{id}{\mathrm{id}}% \newcommand{bind}{\mathbin{\mathrm{\gg=}}}% \newcommand{kleisli}{\mathbin{\mathrm{>=>}}}% \newcommand{lkleisli}{\mathbin{\mathrm{<=<}}}% \newcommand{natto}{\Rightarrow}% \newcommand{Id}{\mathrm{Id}}% \]

The quote in the title is from James Iry’s A Brief, Incomplete, and Mostly Wrong History of Programming Languages in which he jokingly attributes the quote to Philip Wadler, one of the inventors of Haskell. Actually it is a slightly modified quote from the influential category theory textbook “Categories for the working mathematician” by Saunders Mac Lane (without the part about problems.) It is passed around in functional programming circles, but nobody ever seems to try to explain what it means in detail. Is it just a joke? Trying to make your head explode? Let’s try to understand what it means.

For a serious attempt at understanding this quote, you should already kind of know what the individual words mean. You’ve seen the Monad and Monoid type classes in Haskell, you should also have had some exposure to the basics of category theory, in particular functors, natural transformations, and products. You should also know the basics of set theory.

Nothing in this is new, you can find it in most category theory textbooks; Bartosz Milewski has a section about the categorical meaning of monads. There was even a similarly-titled blog article by Axel Wagner recently (published while I was writing this), which also explains categories and functors, but leaves out the stuff about monoidal categories. You’re invited to check out these other sources if you get stuck reading this article. If nothing else, this article is just an account of something I learned recently.

The title should more precisely be: “A monad (in a category \(C\)) is a monoid object in the monoidal category of endofunctors (of \(C\)), where the tensor product is given by composition.” We’re going to disect this definition and see how the parts fit together.

What is a monoid?

Recall that a monoid is a set \(M\) equipped with two additional data: First, a binary operation \(\mu : M\times M \to M\), often called multiplication. The multiplication is often written using some infix operator symbol, e.g. \(a\diamond b\) instead of \(\mu(a,b)\). It is required to satisfy an associative law, i.e., \(a\diamond(b\diamond c) = (a\diamond b)\diamond c\) should hold for all \(a, b, c\in M\). The second datum is a particular element \(e\in M\) which acts as a left and right identity element, i.e. for all \(a\in M\) we have \(e\diamond a = a = a\diamond e\).

Of course you know this already. Haskell has a Monoid typeclass which provides a value mempty :: m, which represents the identity element \(e\), and a function mappend :: m -> m -> m which represents the binary operation \(\mu\) (in curried form.) Haskell has no way of enforcing the laws, but it is a matter of convention to define a Monoid instance only if the laws hold.

Now let us step back and, in the spirit of category theory, try to reformulate this definition in terms of objects and arrows, or in point-free form. We need a set \(M\), i.e. an object in the category \(\cat{Set}\). Our binary operation is just a morphism \(\mu : M\times M \to M\) in this categeory. What about the identity element? At this point we have to fix an arbitrary singleton set \(I = \{*\}\). It doesn’t matter which, since all singleton sets are isomorphic, but it is customary to denote this element by an asterisk. (In Haskell we have the unit type () as a canonical one-element type.) Let \(\eta : I\to M\) be the function \(\eta(*) = e\). (Notice that for each set \(A\), specifying a morphism \(I\to A\) is equivalent to specifying an element of \(A\).)

The associative law is \(\mu(a,\mu(b,c)) = \mu(\mu(a,b), c)\), or \(\mu((\id_M\times\mu) (a, (b, c))) = \mu((\mu\times\id_M)((a, b), c))\) for all \(a, b, c\in M\). Note the difference in “shape” between \((a,(b,c))\) and \(((a,b),c)\). To write this equation in point-free form, we have to introduce a function that can translate between those shapes:

\[\alpha : M\times(M\times M) \to (M\times M)\times M\\ \alpha(a, (b, c)) = ((a, b), c)\]

This function is obviously an isomorphism, it is called an associator. We can now give the associative law in the form of a commutative diagram:

\[\require{AMScd} \begin{CD} M\times(M\times M) @>{\id_M\times\mu}>> M\times M @>\mu>> M \\ @V{\alpha}VV @. @| \\ (M\times M)\times M @>{\mu\times\id_M}>> M\times M @>\mu>> M \end{CD} \]

Calling the diagram commutative means that all paths between two given vertices denote the same morphism. So here that means \(\mu\circ(\mu\times \id_M)\circ\alpha = \mu\circ(\id_M\times\mu)\), or, with elements: \(\mu(\mu(a,b), c) = \mu(a,\mu(b,c))\). Just our associativity law.

To bring the left identity law, \(\mu(e, a) = a\), into point-free form, we have to replace \(e\) by \(\eta(*)\), so the left side becomes \(\mu(\eta(*), a) = (\mu \circ (\eta, \id_M))(*,a)\). We obtain the following commutative diagram, with the right identity law already included:

\[\begin{CD} I\times M @>{\eta\times\id_M}>> M\times M @<{\id_M\times\eta}<< M\times I \\ @| @V{\mu}VV @| \\ I\times M @>{\lambda}>> M @<{\rho}<< M\times I \end{CD}\]

where \(\lambda : I\times M\to M, \lambda(*,a) = a\) and \(\rho : M\times I\to M, \rho(a,*) = a\) are isomorphisms that perform a role that is similar to the associator \(\alpha\). They are called left and right unitor.

Now that we have brought the definition into an abstract categorical form, we may start to think about similar constructions in other categories.

What is a monoidal category?

A monoid gives us a way to multiply elements of a set. Can we also somehow multiply objects of a category? After all, a set can be thought of as a discrete category, that is, a category where the only morphisms are identites.

To define a monoidal category, start with a category \(C\). For the multiplication, we’re going to need a functor \(\otimes : C\times C\to C\), called the tensor product. The identity is going to be some object \(I\in C\), the unit object. Ideally, we would like to have some analog of the monoid laws as before, that is, \(A\otimes(B\otimes C) = (A\otimes B)\otimes C\), \(I\otimes A=A\) and \(A\otimes I = A\). However, this is not going to hold in most interesting cases. Remember the discussion about the associator which translates between different tuple shapes above? Similarly, for a general monoidal category we’re going to need natural translator isomorphisms

\[\alpha_{ABC} : A\otimes (B\otimes C) \to (A\otimes B)\otimes C,\] \[\lambda_A : I\otimes A \to A,\] \[\rho_A : A\otimes I\to A.\]

Sometimes equality does hold, however, and a monoidal category where this is the case, or in which these translation morphisms are identities, is called strict.

We demand that they satisfy the following coherence laws to make sense, expressed as commutative diagrams.

\[\begin{CD} A\otimes(I\otimes B) @>{\alpha_{AIB}}>> (A\otimes I)\otimes B \\ @V{\id_A\otimes\lambda_B}VV @V{\rho_A\otimes\id_B}VV \\ A\otimes B @= A\otimes B \end{CD}\]

and the so-called pentagon

\[\begin{CD} A\otimes(B\otimes(C\otimes D)) @= A\otimes(B\otimes(C\otimes D)) \\ @V{\alpha}VV @V{\id_A\otimes\alpha}VV \\ (A\otimes B)\otimes(C\otimes D) @. A\otimes((B\otimes C)\otimes D)\\ @V{\alpha}VV @V{\alpha}VV \\ ((A\otimes B)\otimes C)\otimes D @<{\alpha\otimes \id_D}<< (A\otimes (B\otimes C))\otimes D \end{CD}\]

Unfortunately, for technical reasons, my diagram doesn’t quite have a pentagonal shape. I also hope that the simplified notation doesn’t cause confusion. The upper left \(\alpha\) stands for \(\alpha_{A,B,C\otimes D}\), for example. It should always be clear from the context what is meant.


  1. We have already seen an example of a monoidal category, namely \(\cat{Set}\) with the ordinary product for the tensor product and a singleton \(I = \{*\}\) for the unit object, with

\[\alpha((a, b), c) = (a, (b, c))\] \[\lambda(*,a) = a\] \[\rho(a,*) = a\].

  1. A similar example is the category \(\cat{Set}\) again, only this time we take the coproduct (disjoint union, Either) for the tensor product, and the empty set \(\emptyset\) for the unit object. The associator and unitors can be defined in the obvious way.

  2. In linear algebra, we work in the category \(\cat{Vect}_K\) of vector spaces over a field \(K\), where the morphisms are \(K\)-linear maps. It is a monoidal category with respect to the usual tensor product of vector spaces, with \(K\) considered as a vector space over itself as the unit object. Similarly, for a commutative ring \(R\), the category of \(R\)-modules is a monoidal category wrt. the tensor product over \(R\).

What is a monoid object?

A monoid object is at this point a straight-forward generalization of a monoid to monoidal categories. Consider a fixed monoidal category \((C, \otimes, I, \alpha, \lambda, \rho)\). A monoid object in this category is an object \(M\in C\) together with morphisms

\[\mu : M\otimes M\to M\] and \[\eta : I\to M\]

such that the following diagrams commute:

\[\begin{CD} M\otimes(M\otimes M) @>{\id_M\otimes\mu}>> M\otimes M @>\mu>> M \\ @V{\alpha_{MMM}}VV @. @| \\ (M\otimes M)\otimes M @>{\mu \otimes \id_M}>> M\otimes M @>\mu>> M \end{CD} \]

and \[\begin{CD} I\otimes M @>{\eta\otimes\id_M}>> M\otimes M @<{\id_M\otimes\eta}<< M\otimes I\\ @| @V{\mu}VV @| \\ I\otimes M @>{\lambda_M}>> M @<{\rho_M}<< M\otimes I \end{CD} \]

You can easily convince yourself that a monoid is just a monoid object in \((\cat{Set}, \times)\).

Exercises: What is a monoid object in \((\cat{Set},\sqcup)\)? If you’re familiar with tensor products of abelian groups, try to figure out what a monoid object in \((\cat{Ab}, \otimes)\) is.

What is the category of endofunctors?

Let \(C\) be a category. An endofunctor of \(C\) is a functor \(C\to C\). Morphisms of functors are natural transformations. If \(F,G,H\) are endofunctors of \(C\), and \(\alpha:F\natto G\), \(\beta : G\natto H\) are natural transformations, we can define the composition component-wise,

\[ (\beta\circ\alpha)_X = \alpha_X\circ\beta_X. \]

It is easy to check that this vertical composition results in a natural transformation \(\beta\circ\alpha : F\natto H\), and that it is associative and acts as expected on identities, so we have a category \(\mathcal{E}\) of endofunctors of \(C\). To arrive at monads eventually, we take the composition of functors as our tensor product and the identity functor as unit object.

This choice has the nice property that this will actually be a strict monoidal category, because \(F\circ (G\circ H) = (F\circ G)\circ H\), \(\Id\circ F = F = F\circ\Id\). However, the action of the composition functor \(\circ: \mathcal{E}\times\mathcal{E}\to\mathcal{E}\), our tensor product, on morphisms is a little tricky.

Let \(f: F\to F'\), \(g:G\to G'\) be two morphisms in \(\mathcal{E}\). We want to construct a morphism \(f\otimes g: F\circ G\to F'\circ G'\). Let’s examine the issue for a given object \(A\) of \(C\). Starting at \(F(G(A))\), we can apply the \(G(A)\)-component of \(f\),

\[f_{G(A)} : F(G(A))\to F'(G(A)),\]

then lift the \(A\)-component of \(g\) over \(F'\) to obtain a morphism

\[F'(g_A) : F'(G(A)) \to F'(G'(A)).\]

We could, however, also apply \(F(g_A)\) first and then \(f_{G'(A)}\). It turns out that this choice does not matter, or in other words, the following diagram is commutative for all objects \(A\) of \(C\):

\[\begin{CD} FG(A) @>{f_{G(A)}}>> F'G(A) \\ @V{F(g_A)}VV @V{F'(g_A)}VV \\ FG'(A) @>{f_{G'(A)}}>> F'G'(A) \end{CD} \]

and we obtain the desired natural transformation \(f\otimes g\). It is called the horizontal composition of \(f\) and \(g\) and usually denoted \(f\bullet g\). Note that by convention, sometimes an object stands for the identity morphism belonging to that object. So if you see something like \(f\bullet G\), this is the same as \(f\bullet \id_G\) etc., and you could work out what it means by applying the definition. There’s a useful shortcut however, just remember that \(f\bullet G\) is the natural transformation whose components are \(f_{G(A)}\), while \(F\bullet g\) has the components \(F(g_A)\), for all \(A\).

Putting it together: What is a monad?

See title of this post (j/k). It is probably worthwile to walk through the whole construction again. Let \(M\in\mathcal{E}\) be a monoid object in the category \(\mathcal{E}\) of endofunctors of \(C\), where the tensor product is given by composition of functors. That is, \(M\) is a functor \(C\to C\), and there are two natural transformations

\[\mu : M\circ M \natto M,\] the multiplication, and \[\eta : \Id\natto M,\] the unit.

In Haskell, the multiplication is called join with the signature join :: m (m a) -> m a; the unit is called return (or pure) with the signature return :: a -> m a.

We require associativity:

\[\begin{CD} M\circ M\circ M @>{\id_M\bullet\mu}>> M\circ M @>{\mu}>> M \\ @| @. @| \\ M\circ M\circ M @>{\mu\bullet\id_M}>> M\circ M @>{\mu}>> M \end{CD}\]

and \(\eta\) should be a left and right identity

\[\begin{CD} \Id \circ M @>{\eta\bullet\id_M}>> M\circ M @<{\id_M\bullet\eta}<< M\circ \Id \\ @| @V{\mu}VV @| \\ M @= M @= M \end{CD}\]

The corresponding equations are

\[\begin{align*} \mu \circ (\mu\bullet\id_M) &= \mu \circ (\id_M\bullet\mu) \\ \mu\circ(\eta\bullet\id_M) &= \id_M \\ \mu\circ(\id_M\bullet\eta) &= \id_M \end{align*}\]

or, in Haskell:

join . join == join . fmap join,

join . return == id,

join . fmap return == id.

Or, in plain english: In a nested monad structure, it doesn’t matter in which order the layers are joined (associativity). When returning a monadic value and then joining, it doesn’t matter whether the return wraps the given monadic value or whether the return is lifted inside, in both cases we end up where we started (left and right identity.)

Monad laws

In Haskell, the Monad typeclass is defined in terms of two functions, return and >>= (called “bind”), and instances are supposed to satisfy the following “Monad laws”:

  1. m >>= return == m
  2. return x >>= f == f x
  3. (m >>= f) >>= g == m >>= (\x -> f x >>= g)

There’s also a join function, which can be defined in terms of bind, and vice versa:

m >>= f = join (fmap f m)

join mma = mma >>= id

Thus we have another notion of “monad”, and we can translate back and forth between the categorical and the Haskell view. We’re going to show that the two notions are equivalent.

Until now the discussion has been agnostic about the nature of our base category \(C\), but now we need a concrete category, where objects have elements and morphisms are functions. So in the following, let’s say \(C=\cat{Set}\), or \(C=\cat{Hask}\), whichever you prefer.


An endofunctor \(M\in\mathcal E\) is a monad (in the categorical sense) if and only if it satisfies the following conditions, which are known as “Monad Laws”:

  1. \(m\bind \eta = m\) for \(m\in M(A)\)
  2. \(\eta(x) \bind f = f(x)\) for \(x\in A\) and \(f: A\to M(B)\)
  3. \((m\bind f)\bind g = m \bind (\lambda x . f(x) \bind g)\) for \(m\in M(A)\), \(f:A\to M(B)\) and \(g:B\to M(C)\).


First we’re going to show that a monad \(M\in\mathcal E\) satisfies the monad laws.

Recall that \(\bind\) is defined by \(m\bind f = \mu(M(f)(m))\) for \(m\in M(A)\), \(f:A\to M(B)\), and conversely \(\mu\) is defined by \(\mu(x) = x\bind\id\) for \(x\in M(M(A))\). Use of these definitions will not be specially marked in the following.

  1. Let \(m\in M(A)\). Then \(m\bind\eta = \mu(M(\eta)(m)) \stackrel*= m\), where the marked equality holds by the right identity law, \(\mu\circ (M\bullet\eta) = \id\).

  2. Let \(x\in A\) and \(f: A\to M(B)\). Then

\[\eta(a)\bind f = \mu(M(f)(\eta(x))) \stackrel*= \mu(\eta(f(x))) \stackrel{**}= f(x)\]

where the first equality marked \(*\) holds because \(\eta\) is a natural transformation \(\Id\to M\), hence \(M(f)\circ \eta_A = \eta_{F(A)}\circ f\), and the one marked \(**\) holds by the left identity law, \(\mu\circ (\eta\bullet M) = \id\).

  1. Let \(m\in M(A)\), \(f:A\to M(B)\), \(g:B\to M(C)\).

\[\begin{align*} (m\bind f)\bind g &= \mu(M(f)(m)) \bind g \\ &= \mu(M(g)(\mu(M(f)(m)))) \\ &\stackrel*= \mu(\mu(M(M(g)\circ f)(m))) \\ &\stackrel{**}=\mu(M(\mu)(M(M(g)\circ f)(m))) \\ &= \mu(M(\mu\circ M(g) \circ f)(m)) \\ &= m \bind \mu\circ M(g) \circ f \\ &= m \bind (\lambda x . f(x) \bind g) \end{align*} \]

where the \(*\) holds because of naturality of \(\mu: M\circ M\to M\): \(M(g)\circ \mu_B = \mu_{MC}\circ M(M(g))\), and \(**\) holds by the associative law, \(\mu\circ(\mu\bullet M) = \mu\circ(M\bullet\mu)\).

Conversely, let \(M\in\mathcal E\) be an endofunctor that satisfies the monad laws 1, 2 and 3.

  1. Let \(m\in M(A)\). Then by law 1, \(\mu(M(\eta)(m)) = m\bind \eta \stackrel*= m\), so the right identity law \(\mu\circ(M\bullet\eta)=\id\) follows.

  2. Let \(m\in M(A)\). Then by law 2, \(\mu(\eta(m)) = \eta(m)\bind\id \stackrel*= \id(m) = m\). This shows the left identity law, \(\mu\circ(\eta\bullet M) = \id\).

  3. Let \(m\in MMM(A)\). Then \[\begin{align*} \mu(M(\mu)(m)) &= m\bind\mu \\ &= m\bind(\lambda x.x\bind\id) \\ &\stackrel*= (m\bind\id)\bind\id \\ &= \mu(\mu(m)) \end{align*}\]

where we used law 3. This shows the associative law, \(\mu\circ(M\bullet\mu) = \mu\circ(\mu\bullet M)\).


  • I have completely ignored the issue of naturality of return, >>= and join. According to the definition, these functions should be natural transformations. We don’t have to worry, however, because due to parametric polymorphism it is indeed impossible to write a function h :: F a -> G a between functors F and G that is not a natural transformation. There is a whole class of such theorems, which go under the slogan “Theorems for free”, among them: the only (total) function a -> a is the identity, and if a type of kind * -> * can be a Functor at all, it has a unique instance. I plan to write an article about this topic later.

  • The monad laws can be more elegantly put in terms of Kleisli composition, which is simultaneously easily understood as the composition in a special category and easily defined in terms of “bind”. This results in an interpretation of “bind” as some kind of “Kleisli application”, so our intuitions about normal function application and composition directly carry over. But this topic deserves its own article.